December 16, 2023 (Sat) – January 21, 2024 (Sun)
アニエスベー ギャラリー ブティックにて、
From Agnès b. Gallery Boutique
Nanae Mitobe “Sit-in” Exhibition
We are pleased to announce the opening reception.
We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you at the reception.
For inquiries regarding this exhibition, please contact
Contact: Kouda
Venue: agnis b. gallery boutique
La Fleur Minami Aoyama 2F, 5-7-25 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Dates: December 16, 2023 (Sat) – January 21, 2024 (Sun) (Closed on Mondays)
Hours: 12:00 – 19:00
Winter break: Wednesday, December 27, 2023 – Friday, January 5, 2024
Opening reception: Friday, December 15, 2023 18:00 – 21:00
Press Release
In the past, Mitobe has mainly used “faces” as a motif in his plastic-like works, which are created by boldly layering oil paints. Through his works, he has reflected social issues arising from discrimination and misunderstanding based on race and gender, and the adverse effects of politics and capitalism on the economy and society.
This exhibition consists of a three-dimensional work, which is his first full-fledged effort, a two-dimensional work painted on a record jacket support, and an installation. On the chest of the “Seated Man,” which exists with an overwhelming sense of materiality and weight of paint, the name of a hip-hop superstar is inscribed, and on the collage of several record jackets, a boxing hero who was also famous as a rhyming trash talker is depicted. In this exhibition, Mitobe intersects the non-violent resistance movement of the 1960 “sit-ins” in the United States with the history of hip-hop culture, which continues to evolve beyond community and across genres, to suggest a peaceful way to be free.